When Jesus came to earth few truly appreciated who He was,

Many despised Him and they sought to find out all His flaws.

But none succeeded to find fault with Him as the Son of Man,

They did not know that He was the Son of God, in the Divine Plan.


There were so many indications that He was the Son of God,

For who else could heal as He did except that He was Lord?

So many miracles were performed but so few followed Him,

All they wanted was to be well so that life would not be so grim.


The worship given to Baby Jesus by the Wise Man was truly profound,

They had searched for The King of the Jews, but much more was found!

Their gifts of Gold and Myrrh honoured Him as the King who would die,

But Frankincense was to honour Him as the Son of God and that was no lie!


We celebrate the birth of Christ with great joy and that is right,

He who is the Son of God has come to give us glorious eternal light.

Let our celebration of Christmas become more and more profound,

Through eyes of faith our worship of Jesus as the Son of God is truly sound.


Inspiration: Luke 3:38


Charles Tan