(A Communion Poem)


Many things are easily associated with Jesus the Lord;

Miracles, power, deep lessons but a special Joy of God?

Few understand the Joy that Jesus must have possessed;

It will take reflection to comprehend what He professed.


“That My Joy may remain in you…” was what Jesus said;

Seldom do we read of this Joy in the disciples He had.

Yet, there is no mistaking the clarity of this statement;

The Joy of the Lord will never be lost in any predicament!


This was the Joy that Jesus wanted to remain in the heart;

This special Joy is related to the truths that He imparts.

This Joy is sown in the heart when truth is fully understood;

And this special gift of Joy will remain in the heart for good!


“And that your Joy may be full” was what Jesus went on to say;

How truly awesome it is to believe that this Joy will come our way.

Fullness of Joy is truly a wonderfully special blessing to receive;

How we must be so grateful for what the Lord lovingly gives!


Inspiration: John 15:11

Charles Tan