There will always be those who reject faith in God;

They have always existed, those who deny the LORD.

They shout defiantly and do what they please;

They believe that the LORD cannot resist.


Those who have faith place their trust in God;

They cling to their Refuge which is in the LORD.

They continue to believe that God hears prayers;

That He is with the righteous and He truly cares.


They will not rant and rave as their enemies do;

They will continue to live as people who are true.

They will trust that God would grant salvation;

To that end, they will never lose their jubilation.


The LORD is indeed our Refuge and Shelter;

There is no need to run helter and skelter.

The call to the faithful is to keep very strong;

And even in the night, they would have a song!



Inspiration: Psalm 14

Charles Tan