Many were the wicked counsels against God’s people;

Their plans were wicked and they were full of evil.

They plotted the downfall of the people of the living God;

But they had not reckoned with the Counsel of the LORD!


The Counsel of the LORD comes from His heart;

Each word is imbued with power that God imparts.

No word of His can ever be undermined;

His Counsel reveals His Will outlined!


His Counsel will stand from generation to generation;

His word cannot be broken or suffer destruction.

God’s Word is backed up by His power divine;

To the reading of His word may our heart incline!


God in His grace has chosen us as His people;

His mercy and wisdom are unquestionable.

How blessed to be the people of the LORD!

There is no one like the LORD our God!


Inspiration: Psalm 33:10-12;  Deuteronomy 7:6; I Peter 2:9

Charles Tan