He was the LORD, and God Most High;

But few in ancient Israel dared draw nigh.

Many had a poor understanding of the Lord;

Few knew that He could be lovingly adored.


Jesus taught that God was Father to all who believed;

Faith must be declared and divine grace received.

To all who came to Jesus believing in His name;

Their faith in the Saviour would never be in vain.


But there came a dark day when Jesus was crucified;

Dashed was the hope of many, and so they bitterly cried;

The Tomb of Jesus was sealed when He was laid to rest;

But He had died that Man may have imputed righteousness!


Faith took wings when the Resurrection was comprehended:

The Saviour had triumphed over Sin and Satan was defeated.

Despair was cast aside, and flagging faith was now steadfast;

The Truth that God was indeed “Father” had prevailed at last!



Inspiration: John 20:1-18

Charles Tan