It is not hard to understand the concept of “Trust in God;”

It is a doctrine that is derived from our knowledge of the LORD.

The difficulty arises when things in life seem to go wrong;

And soon, a single enemy has become a big throng.


Many are on the verge of giving up on faith in God;

Let alone, exercise great Trust in a mighty LORD.

The heart and mind struggle with hurt and pain;

We wonder if Trust in God is not all in vain!


But there is every reason to exercise Trust in God;

Why should we abandon our faith in the LORD?

God will deal with the wicked and their evil plans;

He is the LORD and He still rules over Man!


The LORD is righteous and He will not let us down;

There is no need to wear a scowl or a deep frown!

Our foundation of faith must lead us to trust in God;

On His throne in Heaven is our faithful LORD!



Inspiration: Psalm 11

Charles Tan