For fear of the Jews and their wicked plans;

Many kept silent about their trust in God’s hand.

The thought of being made an outcast was frightful;

Thus, many chose silence, for they were fearful.


There came a time when fear must be faced;

To remain silent further would be utter disgrace.

Why should there be fear of identification with Jesus?

He had come as the Messiah to grant forgiveness!


The time for fear had to come to an abrupt end;

The moment for faith and courage was at hand.

Two men who had hidden themselves in fear;

They found courage, and to Pilate they drew near.


They determined to give Jesus a decent tomb to rest in;

The Saviour deserved all that they could give to Him.

A beautiful garden tomb was given with a hundred pounds of spice;

This was the least they must do; Jesus must be given something nice!


Inspiration: Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-52

Charles Tan