Human hearts are not naturally thankful;

We have many things, but we are not grateful.

We almost think that we are deserving;

Though, only by grace, do we have blessings!


We have to teach our children to say, “Thank you;”

If they are well taught, this trait, they will not rue!

We must learn how to feel, “bound to give thanks;”

This giving of thanks must not be mere pretence.


How wonderful to have a heart that is grateful;

It will enable us to have a life that is joyful.

Our blessings would be more appreciated;

Nothing would ever be taken for granted!


It is possible to cultivate such a heart;

The Lord’s grace He will readily impart.

A heart that gives thanks always is so rare today;

May there be grace and growth along the way!


Inspiration: 2 Thessalonians 1:3

Charles Tan