We often associate blessings with possessions;

This not wrong, but it must not be our obsession.

One of the greatest blessings we could wish for,

Is God’s Presence with us, as if He is next door!


It is the Lord Himself who said, “I am with you!”

What a glorious word of promise and it is all true!

Our challenge is to cultivate our consciousness of God,

And develop a deep and personal walk with the Lord!


It is the Lord Himself who said further, “I will keep you!”

What a precious promise we have from a God who is true.

From harm and from danger, He will give us protection;

How we must cultivate deep personal faith and devotion!


How thrilling to hear what God says, “I will never leave you!”

It is heartwarming to have a God who is both faithful and true.

Our heart must be moved to offer God heartfelt and humble worship;

And to avow that we will walk with the Lord in grateful fellowship!


Inspiration: Genesis 28:13-15

Charles Tan