Mary returned to the tomb and quietly wept great sobs of tears,
She gazed into the empty tomb and that confirmed all her fears.
She suddenly saw two men who were sitting straight and tall,
She was all confused, she said nothing to them at all.

One man spoke to her in a kind and gentle tone,
He asked, “Woman, why are you weeping, and all alone?”
Mary swallowed, and finally poured out all her woes,
They had taken her Lord, and where He is, she does not know.

Then came another Voice that said, “Woman, why are you weeping?”
This Voice was different, but her sadness had dulled her hearing.
She turned around and in the dark she thought she saw a gardener,
Did he know where the Body of Jesus was? Would he kindly inform her?

Jesus was touched by her love and devotion to Him,
How would He comfort her very soul which wanted to scream.
“Mary!” Jesus called out her name as only He could, to reach her,
She turned around! Could this be her Rabboni, her teacher?

It was! It was all true, just as Jesus had said to all,
He would rise from the dead, He would walk tall.
Tears of joy and relief now flooded her soul,
Her heart was no longer heavy, it was no longer cold.

She clung to Him as if she would never let go,
Jesus kindly spoke words that helped her faith to grow.
He was ascending to His Father, who was her Father too,
He was going to heaven to see God, the Lord who is true.
John 20:13, 15