The mind can be active and most keen
To learn new truths is the wise man’s dream.
But what is this new word that is taught?
“Love one another as you ought.”

It’s a hard thing the Masters asks
It is by far the most difficult of tasks.
But there is no mistaking the word He taught
“Love one another as you ought.”

The mind reels and the heart feels despair,
This word has revealed a heart that is bare,
It seems impossible to love so many people,
The poor, the lame, the blind, the cripple!

“As I have loved you” the Master explained;
The heart is moved to consider His words again.
As He had loved with all their sins;
This word will strengthen from deep within.

The heart begins again to beat with hope,
Surely there is power to help us cope.
The Master never makes impossible demands,
He just wants us to look with faith at His commands.

With new and different eyes I look at people now,
To the Lord’s command my heart will bow.
Jesus can fill the heart with love sublime,
He can cause sin’s power to decline.

John 13:34-35; 15:12, 17