A special vision of the LORD sitting on His royal throne was given;

What a glorious picture of the majesty of the LORD in Heaven.

He was high and lifted up and His Presence filled Heaven’s Temple;

Mighty seraphim angels attended Him! Isaiah was deeply rankled!


He had not realised the glorious holy, majesty of the LORD;

He was merely acknowledged as Israel’s mighty God!

Suddenly, Isaiah felt that he was totally unclean and undone;

His wretched sinfulness made him feel that he was overcome.


A seraph flew to him with a live coal from Heaven’s Altar;

The coal touched his lips and he stood cleansed thereafter.

The cleansing had to take place before the Call could be made;

Isaiah was now ready, God’s holy work, to fully undertake.


Here am, send me,” was Isaiah’s humble response to God;

What a privilege was given to serve a great and mighty LORD!

The task of serving God would be fraught with difficulties;

The challenge to serve faithfully was a great responsibility!


Inspiration: Isaiah 6:1-8

Charles Tan