When we have sinned so greatly how then may we pray?

How may we seek God so that our hearts may not be in dismay?

We can only humbly confess our many and great iniquities,

And grieve over our backsliding and sinful atrocities!


We must exercise Hope in the Lord God our Saviour,

We must plead that He would not be to us, a Stranger.

God in His mercy may yet forgive our many wicked sins,

He will have to do a great clean-up, from deep within!


We are His People, we are indeed called by His Name,

We sorrow that we have brought nothing but shame.

We must repent and reject the wrong and wicked way,

Perhaps the LORD will grant us His mercy without delay.


The heart must be sincere and true as we seek the LORD,

We must earnestly cry out to our merciful and great God!

Let tears flow like a fountain as we confess our wicked sins,

Let us remain in prayer till He has purged us from within!


Inspiration: Jeremiah 14:7-9

Charles Tan