The concept of being “Chosen by God” is a profound thought,

Who could imagine that such a wondrous plan would be wrought?

The Scriptures reveal what mankind cannot fully comprehend,

In His vast wisdom, grace and mercy, He devised a glorious plan!


God exercised His prerogative to choose, full and free,

The finest mind cannot fathom this great Divine decree.

He chose Israel as His own people and this was made known,

They would be His treasure, He would make them His very own!


There are deep lessons for us to ponder over most carefully,

We must stand amazed as we seek to understand humbly.

We cannot but be conscious of how unworthy we truly are,

God’s grace was extended to all who believe, near and far!


Chosen out of God’s sheer grace, and mercy and love,

How do we appreciate this gift from Heaven above?

We cannot but bow our hearts and heads in holy fear;

May we be moved to love the Lord who draws us near!


Inspiration: Deuteronomy 7:6

Charles Tan