
by Charles Tan

Special Pastoral Letter to all in the YPG

Dear Young People,


I have been pondering and praying very much about this new section that we began, a few weeks ago. Some of you wrote in and gave me your testimonies. As you know, a few testimonies were printed.

Each week, I go through what you have written. I also look out for you in Church. I also take notice of whether you have been consistent with your walk with the Lord. It is all very well to write a good testimony. However, if we write well, but our lives do not show evidence of good faith in the Lord, then of course the power of our testimony is vitiated.

I can well understand the fact that all of you are STRUGGLING with your walk with the Lord. School has started, and you are already feeling weak and exhausted. I thought that it might be good if I were to bring a new “twist” to this column.

Instead of printing your testimonies, I will be doing a series of Bible Studies just for you. I will continue to utilize your testimonies. I will use your testimonies differently. I will incorporate some of your testimonies in this series of articles that I will commence writing- starting this week. I will bear in mind what you have written, and I hope that the studying of the Lord’s Word will give you encouragement to keep pressing on in your determination to walk with the Lord.


In almost every testimony I have read, the constant refrain that keeps appearing is “It is difficult to walk worthy.”

My reply to this is, “OF COURSE IT IS DIFFICULT!” You must expect difficulties- for so many reasons:-

1. There is the power of sin to contend with (Take time to read Romans 6-7).

2. There is the Evil One who is forever seeking to devour whom he can (Read Eph. 2, 6 from time to time)

3. There is the world with all its attractions. The temptations are very real.

I am only highlighting three things. We could add to this list. We must expect that there will come all kinds of difficulties that will scare even a brave-hearted person. When we mentally prepare ourselves for that which is difficult, we will find that we are going to be able to cope better.


The Book of Daniel is one of the most challenging books to study in the Old Testament. However, there are a number of chapters in this Book that are highly relevant to you. As I write to you each week, I will also seek to teach you how you can improve your approach towards the Study of the Scriptures.

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