The Strong Prayer Life Of Daniel

by Pastor Mark
April 23, 2020

The strength of our prayer life

All of us recognise the importance of prayer in our walk with the Lord. But how strong is our prayer life? We would not know how strong our prayer life is until we are faced with the difficulties of life. Daniel had a strong prayer life. It was part and parcel of his daily life. His spiritual life affected the way he lived his life, even in the way he worked.

  1. Daniel distinguished himself above all the governors and satraps. (Dan 6:3)
  2. He had an excellent spirit. (Dan 6:3)
  3. He was found to be faithful in all that he did. (Dan 6:4)
  4. He was blameless in all his ways. (Dan 6:4)

Facing a difficult challenge

Due to jealousy, the enemies of Daniel designed a plan so that they could bring a charge against him. They deceived the king into writing a decree that no one should make a petition to any god or man, except the king. (Dan 6:7) The king signed the decree without careful consideration which put Daniel in danger of being thrown into the lion’s den if he continued to pray. What was Daniel’s response?

The strong prayer life of Daniel

“And in his upper room, with his windows open to Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees

three times that day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days.” (Daniel 6:10)

Daniel was not afraid, nor was he deterred in the practice of his prayer life. It was his custom to pray three times a day since young. What lessons of prayer can we learn from Daniel?

What prayer should not be

  1. Prayer should be not ritualistic
  2. Neither should it be just an external act
  3. We should not pray meaninglessly

What prayer should be

  1. Closeness to God. Daniel developed a close relationship with God in prayer.
  2. Communion with God. He would commune with God in prayer. He would turn to God consistently, and on occasions, God would reveal special knowledge to him.
  3. Commitment to prayer as a spiritual discipline. Daniel cultivated prayer as a spiritual discipline in his life over the years. His spirituality was reflected in his life and ministry.

Practising prayer in the midst of challenges

In facing his difficulty, Daniel took the wisest course of action. He went home and prayed.

  1. It took courage. Daniel was not afraid of the consequences of his actions, even if it meant the risk of being found out and facing death. Prayer was far too vital for him not to do.
  2. It took faith. He was a man of tremendous faith which was reflected in his prayerfulness.
  3. It took steadfastness. He was firm and steadfast in his practice of praying.
  4. It took real devotion. He was devoted and faithful to God. He was going to continue praying to the Lord to seek His grace and mercy, no matter what.

While we may not have the kind of prayer life that Daniel did, we can certainly learn from his example. With more time on our hands due to the extension of the circuit breaker, let us learn to pray more. Let us draw closer to God and to commune with Him. Let us pray with greater faith, courage and steadfastness. Let us be challenged to cultivate a stronger prayer life.

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