Vows are special oaths we make in the Lord’s name;

The Holy Name of God must never be taken in vain.

The heart cries out to God for special help in time of need;

What we have vowed to Him must be honoured indeed!


Vows to God must never be taken lightly;

To break our oaths to God would be a tragedy.

No matter how hard it may be, our vow we must fulfil;

We would only add to our sin if our oath we repeal.



The Psalmist gives us an example to emulate;

To fulfil his oath to God, he did not hesitate.

He had promised to give burnt offerings.

This was his expression of thanksgiving.


His offering was that of bulls, goats and rams;

This was his way of giving God heartfelt thanks.

This offering would have been very costly;

But he determined that he would walk worthy!


Inspiration: Psalm 66:13-15; Deuteronomy 6:13; Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

Charles Tan