I Remember You


Backsliding may be understood from the perspective of God,
How does He see us now that we are far away from the Lord?
God’s heart is full of tenderness as He looks at us from heaven above,
His heart is understandably grieved, but has that affected His love?

What are God’s thoughts when He looks at our present wayward ways?
He says, “I remember you,” with a deep and tender voice … always.
He recalls a time where there was a first love precious and deep,
Where we followed Him faithfully, no matter that the path may be steep!

God’s hand of blessings and protection were obvious for all to see,
No wicked plans ever succeeded devised by powerful enemies.
A close relationship was sustained that brought joy to the heart,
Everything seemed so perfect and wonderful at the very start.

God sent many a servant to bring about full and happy reconciliation,
But backsliding had caused the heart to be unresponsive to any persuasion.
The soul continues to slip away and it is threatened with spiritual death,
How we must do our part and seek God to restore vital spiritual health!

Inspiration: Jeremiah 2