God’s Love for His people has no parallel;

In this Love, all may wonderfully revel!

What are some reasons why such Love was given?

Truth to tell, His Love is not based on human reason.


As human beings, our love is tied in to human reasoning;

We may speak of love if we discover good feelings.

We love because we receive something back in return;

Behind human love, there is almost always a reason.


But God love for Israel was astonishing;

The people kept on choosing the wrong things.

They chose sin and disobedience and even idolatry;

Yet, God continued to love the people faithfully.


“Yes, He loves His people” with deepest affection;

He seeks to lead and guide them, in sweet communion.

But even when the human heart is unable to respond fully;

God continues to love His people, most wondrously!


Deuteronomy 33:1-5

Charles Tan