One of the gifts of God is the “Book of the Law;”

By the Lord’s inspiration there are no flaws!

The Spirit of God would guide the human writer;

He would help each one to write a perfect letter.


Some things in the Book of the Law are hard to comprehend;

Human intelligence in itself would not help one to understand.

There is a special work of the Spirit of God;

He will help us understand the word of the Lord.


Our part is to learn how to practise Biblical Meditation;

The Spirit of God would help us with needed revelation.

Much joy and strength would be God’s blessings;

And God’s grace and mercy would keep increasing.


The Book of the Law is not impossible to comprehend;

In it we will discover God’s wonderful Promises and Plans.

Our heart must respond with a desire to obey the Lord;

Biblical Meditation would help us to fulfil the Will of God.


Inspiration: Joshua 1:8

Charles Tan