The Early Church grew most significantly;

How may we fathom this growth deeply?

The Apostles were committed to the Scriptures;

The teachings of the Lord had become Treasures.


They preached the Word of God valiantly;

They taught amidst great difficulties.

They suffered for the sake of the Lord Jesus;

But they clung tightly to the holy Scriptures.


The Church was also committed to making Disciples;

Believers were taught deep spiritual principles.

All were committed to following the Lord Jesus Christ;

The Church could not have grown so strongly otherwise.


The Challenge for the modern Church is the same;

We must be committed to proclaiming the Lord’s name.

Growth in the Church will be the result of God’s blessings;

Let us continue to be inspired to doing the right things!


Inspiration: Acts 6:1-7

Charles Tan