The LORD God had graciously given a Call;

Abram obeyed, immediately leaving his all.

He brought along his wife and his nephew too;

Abram showed he had a faith that was true.


God had promised that He would truly bless;

Abram’s part was the Name of God to confess.

It took him some time before he fully believed;

An everlasting Covenant would Abram receive.


What would it take to fully, in God, to believe?

So many find it hard, His Word, to fully receive.

But it is not so hard at all to walk with God;

If we trace, in our life, the Hand of the Lord!


Great blessings lie before those who believe;

God grants grace and mercy to all who receive.

The blessings of God are well within our reach;

Faith enables us the great distance to bridge!


Inspiration: Genesis 12, 15

Charles Tan