It is not wrong to desire good success;

God Himself has promised to greatly bless!

He was the One who made Moses succeed;

The LORD would be there to meet our needs.


It was God who chose Joshua as the next leader;

He was to be sure that God’s law, he would remember.

He must not fail to meditate on it day and night;

He must be strong, courageous and upright.


God showed Joshua the path of great success;

He must not allow himself to become distressed.

His part was to remember the presence of God;

He would be able to find the power of the Lord.


The promises of the Lord are truly wonderful;

They inspire us to trust that God is truly faithful.

Let us seek to be successful in life and ministry;

The Lord would grant us His grace and mercy!


Inspiration: Joshua 1:1-9

Charles Tan