The role of the Spirit of God is often taken for granted;

His work is invisible and His role is poorly appreciated.

But His work is actually indispensable and that is true;

Without His power given our ministry we would rue.


His work is well-prophesied by the prophets of old;

His Presence in them made them strong and bold.

The work of the Spirit of God is absolutely essential;

Without Him all our work would be only superficial.


The Spirit’s work is confirmation of God’s calling;

He was sent to do the necessary empowering.

He must enlighten our minds as only He can;

He has to disclose and teach us God’s full plan.


The challenge is to make sure we seek His filling;

Every aspect of life and ministry needs His blessing.

He alone can open up our hearts and our minds;

Without His ministry we would be spiritually blind.


Inspiration: Isaiah 11:2; 42:1



Charles Tan