A Communion Poem


There are many problems in the world today;

Many are oppressed and suffer along the way.

By great grief the heart is engulfed by sorrow;

Few believe that there will be a better tomorrow.

It will take knowledge of God to believe;

But in faith we will find needed relief.

The Lord is the Righteous Judge of earth;

He will uphold justice and grant joyous mirth.

He will be a Refuge to all who are oppressed;

He will not forget the righteous who are blessed;

Those who know the Lord will trust in His name;

They are not alone and would never be shamed.

The heart can sing despite the many challenges in life;

It remembers that the Lord will help us overcome strife.

Mercy and strength, He would give to all His saints;

The heart cannot but sing praises to His worthy name!

Inspiration: Psalm 9:9-11

Charles Tan