The Will of God was a mystery to all and sundry.

It was not even revealed to the prophets fully.

But in His grace and wisdom He has now revealed;

His glorious Will is now no longer concealed!


This revelation was made known to all the saints;

The title of “saint” is not something that is quaint.

It is a truly special blessing from the LORD;

We stand “holy” before our righteous God!


God’s Will is for Christ to indwell every believer;

The LORD has made this possible, He is our Justifier.

Our challenge is to grow in knowledge and wisdom;

To fathom this revealed Will from God in heaven!


Let us be committed to preach and to teach,

Each and every believer within reach.

Till each one is mature in faith and understanding;

And the heart is found to be constantly rejoicing!


Inspiration: Colossians 1:24-29

Charles Tan