15 March 2016

Family Camp 2016 : Evening Message 3 : Difficult Circumstances

Family Camp 2016 : Evening Message 3 : Difficult Circumstances
Text: Jeremiah 4-6

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Family Camp 2016 : Call To Me

Message Notes


  1. Circumstances in life can change

  1. They can become dramatically different

  1. They can become complex

  1. What if there is the threat of War?


  1. In the face of dire circumstances

  1. The threat of war is forewarned

  2. The alarm is sounded Jeremiah 4:5 (Cf. Joel 1-2)

a) Assembling together
b) War from the north
i) The lion
ii) The destroyer
iii) The fierce anger of God
c) Consequences of war
i) The king shall perish
ii) Princes shall perish
iii) Priests shall be astonished
iv) Prophets shall wonder


  1. Jeremiah struggles personally

a) First struggle:- Charging God with “deceit” Jeremiah 4:10
i) What about God’s word of promise?
ii) What about the promise of peace?
b) God interacts                 Jeremiah 4:11-18
i) Message to Judah/ Jerusalem
ii) A dry wind
iii) Judgment from God
iv) Threat of plunder
v) Wash hearts from wickedness
vi) Salvation/ deliverance is possible
vii) Threat of war is real
viii) Wickedness produces bitter fruit
  1. Jeremiah’s Second struggle           Jeremiah 4:19-20

    a) He understands the threat of war
i) He understands judgment
ii) He struggles with his emotions
iii) He is overwhelmed
b) God replies further Jeremiah 4:21-31
i) My people are foolish
ii) They are silly children
iii) The land is plundered
iv) No knowledge
v) No understanding
vi) Wise to do evil
vii) No knowledge of doing good
viii) War will be devastating
ix) Desolation will come
x) Great suffering will be experienced
  1. A glimmer of hope

a) The whole land shall be desolate
b) But I will not make a full end          Jeremiah 4:27
c) Judah will still fall
i) The city will flee
ii) Anguish will come
iii) Human efforts will fail
iv) Many will wail
  1. Glimmer of hope expanded          Jeremiah 5

a) Find a (righteous) man (Genesis 19)
b) Only two features:-
i) He exercises judgment
ii) He seeks the truth
c) Pardon will be offered Jeremiah 5:1
  1. Jeremiah grabs hold of this hope Jeremiah 5:3-4

a) He searches for that one righteous man but fails to find one righteous man
b) Excuse offered:
i) “These are poor, they are foolish” Jeremiah 5:4
ii) “They do not know the way of the Lord”
iii) “The judgment of the Lord”
  1. Jeremiah tries again

a) He will go among the “great men” Jeremiah 5:5-6
b) His findings: –
i) They have altogether broken the yoke
ii) Broken the bonds
iii) Their transgressions are many
iv) Their backslidings have increased
  1. Glimmer of hope still offered

“Not a complete end…”                                                      Jeremiah 5:10, 18
  1. Reasons for God’s judgment

a) Forsaken the Lord Jeremiah 5:7
b) Turning to idols Jeremiah 5:7
c) Treachery Jeremiah 5:11
d) Prophets preached lies Jeremiah 5:12
i) No evil will come
ii) No sword
iii) No famine
e) The priests rule by their own power Jeremiah 5:31
f) The people support the false prophets/priests Jeremiah 5:31


  1. Interactive Praying is the only way
  1. Knowledge of God and His word is essential
  1. Holding on to Hope
a) Faith
b) Do not lose heart
c) Search for righteous people to pray together
  1. What is needed

a) Watchman Jeremiah 6:17
b) Assayer Jeremiah 6:27
c) Fortress Jeremiah 6:27