24 April 2022

Sunday School Special : Lesson 109

Sunday School Special : Lesson 109
Text: John 12:27-30

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Sunday School Special

Message Notes


Text: John 12:27-30

Subject: The Struggle of the Soul


1. Some of the Teachings of the Lord Jesus

a) Straightforward
b) Succinct

2. Some other Teachings of the Lord Jesus

a) Deep and profound
b) Difficult and challenging 
i) To understand
ii) To apply


1. He had clearly said that He will be dying soon

2. He gave a paradox

a) A grain of wheat must die
b) Only then can it produce much grain (John 12:24)

3. In the next moment He said

27 “Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.

28 Father, glorify Your name.”

Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” John 12:27-28

4. Why did the Lord Jesus say that His soul was troubled?

a) The Soul represents the deeper part of a person
b) The Mind of the Lord Jesus accepted God’s will concerning suffering and death
c) The Soul part still needs to be in sync with the Mind part

5. What did the Lord Jesus wisely do?

a) He turned to God the Father immediately in prayer
b) He candidly poured out His heart
c) Should He say:
‘Father, save Me from this hour?’ John 12:27a
i) This was a thought that came
ii) He evaluated this thought
d) His Mind came to His rescue
“But for this purpose I came to this hour” John 12:27b
i) His Mind responded strongly
ii) It strengthened the Soul
iii) He had come for this special purpose
iv) Mind and Soul must be “one” in this matter
v) This “hour” must be fully embraced!
e) A vital and correct prayer must be made
“Father, glorify Your name.” John 12:28a
       i) Focus must be on the glorifying of God’s name
       ii) Rather than on suffering and death
iii) This had been His strong focus in His life and ministry

6. The Answer from God the Father

Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” John 12:28b

a) God will glorify His own name always
b) This is both good and right
c) The death of the Lord Jesus will result in the glorifying of God


29 Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to Him.”

30 Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake. John 12:29-30

1. There were people around the Lord Jesus

a) The Twelve would be there
b) There were other disciples who followed the Lord Jesus
c) Two remarks were made
i) Thunder was heard
ii) An angel had spoken to Him
d) Both remarks were in error

2. The Lord Jesus explained

Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake.” John 12:30

a) This voice
i) It was the Father who had spoken
ii) It was in answer to His prayer
b) But there was a special reason why the Voice of God was manifested
i) It was for the sake of the Disciples
ii) The Father does not need to speak audibly to the Lord Jesus
iii) This Voice came to encourage the Disciples around the Lord Jesus


1. Important lessons for us to learn

a) About the Mind
b) About the Soul

2. Deeper lessons about Prayer

a) To seek God
b) To find an answer from God

3. Suffering is not easy to take

a) Think “purpose”
b) Also focus on “Glorifying God’s name”