by Pastor Mitch
July 10, 2011

There Is No Point In Fretting

There is really no point in allowing ourselves to fret when problems come or challenges mount. Very often, fretting will not improve the situation that we are in. In fact, it only makes matters worse.

“Cease from anger and forsake wrath;
Do not fret – it only causes harm.” 

Psalm 37:8

The act of fretting can cause us to become angry and upset. This would in turn lead us into doing things that we may regret. It could cause us to harm ourselves or others along the way. The best thing to do when it comes to facing the challenges of life like coping with school stress and family problems is not to fret. We should not allow ourselves to become agitated or angry when life becomes difficult. We are to learn to trust in God fully.

Learning To Exercise Greater Trust In The Lord

Many of us struggle with putting our full trust in the Lord. It is not uncommon for people to find it hard to put their absolute dependence on God for whatever situation they may go through in life. How can we go about learning to trust the Lord more?

1. Learning To Delight Oneself In The Lord

“Delight yourself in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” 

Psalm 37:4

Trusting in God includes the idea of delight. Trusting becomes easier when we learn to find delight in the Lord and in His ways. Some may feel that being a Christian means that we cannot have joy and delight in life. This is absolutely not true. The Psalmist found many things that he could delight in the Lord. He found delight in God’s ways. He found delight in the abundance of peace (Psalm 37:11). He delighted in God’s laws (Psalm 37:31Psalm 1:2). He found that God and His ways are truly wonderful. As he enjoyed the ways of the Lord, it also became the desires of his heart. As he prayed about these things, the Lord gave to him what he yearned within his heart. When we find joy in the Lord and in His ways, we will seek after these things. The Lord would give us what we desire.

2. Learning Prayer With Trust

“Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And he shall bring it to pass.” 

Psalm 37:5

Our challenge is also to learn to commit our ways to the Lord in prayer. The word “commit” in Hebrew means to “roll off onto”. The Psalmist challenged his readers to “roll off” their problems and difficulties onto the Lord. The Psalmist saw how when a person is righteous and just, as he trusts in the Lord, he would be vindicated despite the persecution of wicked enemies (Psalm 37:6). His righteousness would be shown as clear as day. The Lord wants us to learn how to cast our burdens unto the Lord in prayer. As we pray and after we pray, we are to trust in the Lord that He is in control of our lives. He will bring things to pass as we trust in Him. He will give us the desires of our heart. Let’s learn to exercise greater trust in our faithful Lord even as we commit our ways to Him. He will not fail us.

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