by Pastor Mitch
April 19, 2009

Three Imperatival Principles Of Life And Ministry

In life and ministry, we must have Biblical principles to guide us. Without them, we do not know how to face up to the problems and challenges that may come. In the book of Thessalonians, Paul wrote of the need for the Church to be established in the faith as they encountered the afflictions of life. Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to have certain imperatival principles for their life and ministry. An imperative is a command. We are meant to submit and adhere to these imperatives. Let me highlight three of them.

1. The Imperative Of Rejoicing Always

“Rejoice always” 
1 Thessalonians 5:16

Paul challenged all to rejoice always. The Thessalonian Church was meant to rejoice in whatever state of life they may be in. For Paul, he rejoiced in the Thessalonian Church. They were his glory and joy (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20). For us, we can rejoice in having Bethany as our Church. Let’s rejoice in the salvation that we have. Let’s find reasons to always rejoice in. Life may be tough, but let’s continue to rejoice.

2. The Imperative Of Praying Always

“Pray without ceasing” 
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Another important principle to cultivate is having a consistent prayer life. Prayer must become so much more a part of our lifestyle. We must not just start praying but persist in fervently praying for people and their needs. Let’s pray for the following:

a. Combined YPG Gospel Outreach Programme

There is going to be a special outreach programme for the YPG this Saturday at 3 pm. Please pray for this outreach programme and let’s bring along our unbelieving friends.

b. Those Having Exams

The university students are having their exams during this period of time. Let’s specially remember them in prayer. Their exam timetable is attached.

Exam Time Table

3. The Imperative Of Giving Thanks Always

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 
1 Thessalonians 5:18

There may be testing in life. But our challenge is to always give thanks for what God has blessed us with. In everything that we go through, let’s learn to have thankful hearts. This is part of fulfilling the will of God for our lives. Let’s seek always to have gratitude for everything that God has blessed us with in life and ministry.

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