by Pastor Mitch
April 22, 2012

Where Once There Was A Low Regard For God

What happens when we try to resolve things according to our way? Very often, we end up making things worse than they already are. We frequently end up with zero progress in dealing with the issues at hand. When Moses tried to do something to save his brethren from bondage, he thought he could save them with his fists. He did not seek the Lord in prayer concerning this. He instead allowed himself to kill an Egyptian. For the next forty years, he became a fugitive in a foreign land. When we do not involve God in dealing with our challenges, the tendency is to create more problems for ourselves. Moses did not have a high regard for God at this point of time. He needed to learn the right lessons before he could be used by the Lord for His work.

A Turning Point In Moses’ Life

“Then Moses said, ‘I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.'” 
Exodus 3:3

God reaches out to us where we are. Sometimes, God has to wait forty years before He can start training us for His work. At the right time, the Lord God began to speak to Moses through a burning bush. Moses was deeply intrigued by this awesome sight. Because he responded by wanting to look at the burning bush, the Lord specially called out to him. This was going to be Moses’ turning point in his life. From this point onwards, God was going to encourage and train Moses for His great work of leading His people out of Egypt to the promised land. Young people, God also wants to turn around our lives first before He can use us. He wants to do a special work in our lives.

Having A Sacred Regard For The Presence Of The Lord

“Then He said, ‘Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.'” 
Exodus 3:5

The first thing that God had to train Moses was to have a proper regard for Him. When he first heard the Lord calling him, he was almost frivolous in his approach to Him. God had to correct him. He spoke of how the place that he was standing on was holy ground. God told Moses to take off his shoes as a mark of reverence and respect for the Lord. Before the Lord’s presence, he had to learn to have a sacred fear of Him and His word.

Learning To Have A Personal Relationship With God

“I am the God of your father – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” 
Exodus 3:6

The Lord revealed to Moses that He was the personal God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As much as God had been a personal God to the patriarchs, so He was going to be a wonderful and personal God to Moses too. Moses had to learn to have a sense of spiritual historicity and also cultivate a personal relationship with Him. Let’s also learn to have such a relationship with God.

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