by Pastor Mitch
February 01, 2009

Working Hard At Integration

Integration takes hard work. It is not something that will come just because we wish for it, talk about it and pray about it. It still needs constant hard work. During the Chinese New Year period, I heard from my relatives and friends of how Churches have divided and split because of schisms and dissensions. The unity that they had once disintegrated. It is always saddening to hear such news. Young people, these are reminders to all of what can happen to us if we do not work at integration or when we take things for granted. We must continue to work hard at being integrated.

Appealing To The Benefits Of The Practice Of Faith

The Philippian Church had a problem where servants of God were quarrelling among themselves. One of the reasons why Paul wrote to the Church was to exhort them to have a greater sense of unity. To facilitate this, he appealed to the appreciation of what they had experienced through their faith in Christ.

“Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy” 
Philippians 2:1

Paul was asking the Church to recall what they had experienced in the form of encouragement in the Lord Jesus or any comfort through being loved by others. He appealed to the joy of the fellowship that they had in the Holy Spirit. He asked whether they were moved by any form of affection or mercy shown to them. If they had experienced and were deeply moved by what they had benefited in their practice of faith, they should seek to be one.

The Challenge To Have A Deeper Sense Of Oneness

“Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” 
Philippians 2:2

Paul exhorted the Philippian brethren that it would bring great joy to his heart if they were able to cultivate a deeper sense of oneness. The challenge was for them to think in the Biblical way. Oneness comes when they have the same pattern of thinking. There should also be the same spirit of love for each other. The Philippian Church was meant to have a Christ-centered love for one another. There should be a greater sense of oneness in heart and mind. Young people, do we have this sameness of spirit and faith in life and ministry? This Saturday, we will be having our Chinese New Year celebration. Let’s come together for a great time of cultivating further this sense of integration with each other. Let’s come and pay our respects to the Bilingual service brethren who will be coming. Let’s make every effort to cultivate a deeper sense of unity, not just at the YPG level, but with the rest of the Church. Wishing all a Happy Chinese New Year.

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