by Pastor Mitch
June 02, 2013

The Problem Of Living In A Sinful World

The more I live in this world, the more I do not want to be of it and associated with it. This ephemeral world is plagued with sinfulness and wickedness. When we observe the sins of mankind enough, we recognise that this earth is not our home. This was something that the Psalmist felt as he struggled with the sins of man.

“I am a stranger in the earth” 
Psalm 119:19

Pastor Charles wrote in his notes from the YAG retreat that this was a problem of living in a sinful world. The Psalmist felt that he was a stranger on this earth. There were those who were proud and they strayed from the word of God (Psalm 119:21). There were those who were in higher authority, princes, who spoke against the Psalmist (Psalm 119:23). He was being reviled and persecuted by sinful people. He strongly felt that this world was not his home. In the light of this, the Psalmist determined to seek the Lord’s word and spiritual understanding even more.

Praying For Spiritual Sight

1. With A Deep Sense Of Purpose

“Open my eyes, that I may see 
Wondrous things from Your law.”
Psalm 119:18

The Psalmist prayed that the Lord would open his eyes because he wanted to behold wondrous things from His word. He knew that there were great truths and extraordinary works that he could understand and delight in from the Scriptures. It was with this deep sense of purpose that he sought after spiritual understanding and insights. He was no longer interested in the things of the world. He focused on that one goal of seeking after spiritual insights from the Lord.

2. With A Deep Sense Of Humility

“Open my eyes …
Do not hide Your commandments from me.”
Psalm 119:1819

The Psalmist also realised how spiritually blind he was. He could see the sinful things of this earth with his physical eyes, but he could not see with spiritual eyes the marvellous things of God that were contained in the Scriptures. He knew that God could have hidden deep and amazing things from him and all mankind. Only the Lord could open his spiritual eyes if he humbly sought it. With a deep sense of humility, he prayed for the Lord to not hide His commands from him. Humbly, he referred to himself as only a servant of the Lord as he prayed. Let’s also humbly pray for spiritual insight.

Doing Our Part In Seeking Spiritual Sight

God would do His part in helping us find spiritual sight when we pray. There is also our part in personally seeking for spiritual understanding. There must be a deep and constant longing of the soul in seeking and reading the word of God (Psalm 119:20). There is also the challenge to still keep the word of God despite the problems of life (Psalm 119:22). We need to spend time on meditating on the Scriptures (Psalm 119:23). When we humbly seek God for spiritual insight and we do our part in dwelling on His word, He would open our understanding to His truth. The word of God will become our delight. They will become our counsellors in our times of need. Young people, let’s continue to seek and study His word till we behold wondrous things from it.

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