by Pastor Mitch
May 22, 2011

The Meaning Of “Bless”

What does the word “bless” mean in the Old Testament? It has several meanings in the Hebrew language. I would like to highlight two. Firstly, it can refer to God showering His favour and goodness upon us. Secondly, “bless” can refer to “humbly adoring and praising”. When we bless God, we are seeking to extol Him and to humbly honour Him with great reverence. InPsalm 134, both meanings of this Hebrew word are utilised by the Psalmist.

The Encouragement To Bless The Lord

“All you servants of the Lord,
Who by night stand in the house of the Lord!” 

Psalm 134:1

Who should bless the Lord? All servants of the Lord should take time to bless the Lord. This Psalm was an encouragement made to those serving in the temple, servants like the Levites and the priests, to praise the Lord. They served the Lord in His house from morning to night. They specially offered sacrifices to God in the evening as prescribed in the laws of Moses. While the people would have had gone home for the evening, the servants of God would continue to work and give praise to Him. They were to remain steadfast in the house of the Lord. This psalm was meant to be an encouragement to servants of God and to all to continue to give praise to Him. Why should we bless the Lord?

1. Because He Is Our Lord And Creator

“The Lord who made heaven and earth” 
Psalm 134:3

The title “Lord” is mentioned five times in these three verses. We see His lordship in all aspects of life. He is the one who created the universe, heaven and earth. He deserves nothing less than our highest adoration.

2. Because He Sustains His Servants

Those who served the Lord are specially sustained by Him. The priests and the Levites worked tirelessly in His house day and night. They are specially sustained by the Lord. We too should also give thanks to God for His sustaining power.

The Manner Of Blessing The Lord

“Lift up your hands in the sanctuary,
And bless the Lord.
The Lord who made heaven and earth
Bless you from Zion.” 

Psalm 134:2-3

How should we go about blessing the Lord? Firstly, let’s bless the Lord with jubilation. Lifting up one’s hand is a sign of jubilation. Praise should always be given with a great sense of joy and a victorious spirit, even if it is done at night. Secondly, let’s bless the Lord with a faith that seeks His blessing. It is God who made the heaven and the earth and it takes truly great awesome power to create the universe. As we seek His blessing, the Lord’s power will be made available to us. May our blessing of Him beget blessing from Him.

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