The Substance and Evidence

The Bethany IV Vision

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

– Hebrews 11:1

“The substance of things hoped for”

I had to ask myself if Bethany IV was something I hoped for, or whether it did not matter at all to me whether we managed to build it or not. So why do we need Bethany IV? Week after week, it is evident that there simply isn’t enough space! People are packed into the Sanctuary for Sunday Morning Worship, and when they can be packed no more, they have to watch the Worship Service downstairs in the Fellowship Hall, which is just not the same. The ministries are also feeling the weight of the numbers – during Sunday School time on Sunday mornings, almost every nook and cranny of the church is used for Sunday School classes. Our church has grown so squeezy that it is hard to invite friends… “Hello, please come, but sorry, you have to come in very early, otherwise you won’t be able to get a seat!” After some consideration, I realised that, yes, Bethany IV is necessary for our continued growth as a church, and that I have a hope for it!

But what does it mean for faith to be the substance of things hoped for?  This word refers to the assurance that we have in our hearts, and the certainty that what we hope for is not merely a wish that could possibly go unfulfilled. This is a faith placed in a God who is faithful, in whom we can find certainty and assurance!

This certainty is not just in the mind, it is certainly practical too! First, I have to put my hope in the right thing – God. This hope is not only in the building, but in the God we wish to glorify through the building of Bethany IV. It would have to be God who is the biggest reason for wanting to build a new church in the first place! Second, I have to do something about this hope. I have to cultivate it, meaning that I have to think about it often, and seek to grow in the attitude that this hope can one day be realised! Third, I learn to pray about Bethany IV, and to include it in my prayers. I am no longer a person who is just looking at the building project from the sidelines. If you are reading this, neither are you – you can be involved, and you can pray. Fourth, I want to commit to doing my part for Bethany IV, and this means setting aside some money each month to give towards the project. It is not about the amount, but it is something I want to attempt as I seek to cultivate my hope.

“The evidence of things not seen”

At this point in time, it is difficult to believe that Bethany IV will actually materialise, brick by brick. There are things like “plot ratio”, and general feasibility, that still have to be carefully looked at. But Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is the “evidence” of “things not seen”, which means that FAITH itself shows that the invisible things are REAL despite our inability to see them at present time! Just because we cannot see it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t already have it planned and worked out in His time! So instead of focusing on things that could go wrong, and negative thoughts about the building, we must see the building of Bethany IV with eyes of faith.

Again, in practical terms, if we have faith in God regarding this matter, it would be so obvious. I see this in two ways. The first is that we would behave in such a way that would show that we truly believe that Bethany IV is possible. The second, and more important one, is that we would live our lives such that the Invisible God becomes Visible to other people, by the sheer fact of our faith! This is the evidence of things unseen.

Ultimately, Bethany IV is meant for God’s purposes. If we have faith in the Lord for this need, He will lead, bless, and provide for us! Our part is to have a substantial faith that is evidenced in prayer and committing to doing something for this building project!


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