Study 85

by Charles Tan

Text: Daniel 11-12

Dear Young People,


Daniel was given many special prophetic visions. The latest (Daniel 11) involved a description of the Greek Empire after the demise of Alexander the Great. Daniel was given understanding of how two of the kingdoms that arose after the death of Alexander affected the land of Israel.

The focus of attention was with reference to the land of Israel. The “king of the South” (Daniel 11:5) and the “king of the North” (Daniel 11:6) warred against each other. These references were to the Ptolemaic kingdom (South) and the Seleucid (North) kingdom. There frequent battles were mentioned in this prophetic vision (Daniel 11:5-45). These kingdoms, and their frequent wars were mentioned in secular history. The prophetic word is thus confirmed. (We will not be going into the details of Daniel 11, because the full understanding of the text would require a significant grasp of historical knowledge of the Rise and Fall of the Greek empire and the Syrian Wars. The latter is a reference to the wars between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Kingdoms).


Daniel was given a prophetic word that warned of WAR. That word strikes fear in many hearts! The believer however is encouraged to trust God in the worst of circumstances.

“At that time Michael shall stand up,
The great prince who stands watch
over the sons of your people;
And there shall be a time of trouble,
Such as never since there was a nation,
Even to that time.
And at that time your people shall be delivered,
Everyone who is found written in the book.”
Daniel 12:1

Who will receive divine assistance? Daniel was encouraged to trust God that God knows His own elect. He has written their names in His book. In their hour of greatest need, God would send deliverance!


Once again, we come across the mention of God’s “book”. This is a descriptive word that tells us that God has His recording angels to note all who believe in Him. The Book of Revelation also mentions that God keeps a book. It is called “The Lamb’s Book of Life” (Revelation 21:27). Is your name written therein? Nothing could be more important than being very sure that we truly have our names written in that Book of Life.

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