Study 60

by Charles Tan

Text: Daniel 9:3-19

Dear Young People,


(cont. from Study 59)

Daniel showed that he understood the intricacies of prayer. Yes, we may use the word “intricacies” with reference to prayer. Few understand prayer as Daniel did. Let us consider some more aspects of prayer mentioned in this text.

3. “By prayer and supplications…” Daniel 9:3

There are times when we may speak to God simply. There are times when offering simple words would not be sufficient. When we see this phrase, “prayer and supplications” we must immediately recognize that there is a distinction between the two.

The first part of the phrase would refer to a simple prayer offered to God. It must of necessity be offered humbly and sincerely to the Lord. Perhaps this prayer is not answered. There could be a delay to God hearing that prayer.

Daniel went on to the next level of prayer. He supplicated. This word suggests that there is a greater sense of intensity in the pouring out of the heart in prayer. From simplicity to intensity and more. The idea of making supplications almost suggests that a person is virtually begging God to hear and to answer. Only a truly humble person can offer such prayers.

4. “With fasting…” Daniel 9:3

If prayers were not enough, Daniel offered supplications. And if that was still insufficient to bring about a response from God, then Daniel was prepared to enter into fasting.

That meant that Daniel would have to go without food and drink – all for the sake of seeking God in prayer? What was so serious that prayer efforts should go to such lengths? As far as Daniel was concerned, to understand God’s Word was serious enough to pour in such efforts in prayer.

5. “Sackcloth and ashes…” Daniel 9:3

Daniel was prepared to go even further. He was prepared to don special clothes that were most uncomfortable. Such clothes were usually worn only be bereaved family members mourning the death of a beloved member of a family.

Daniel prepared his heart and mind to seek the Lord at all costs! From simple prayers to wearing sackcloth and throwing ashes on the head!


The kind of prayer effort Daniel was prepared to put in required a deep and strong faith. How we all need to re-examine the quality of our faith with reference to seeking God in prayer. Let us seek to deepen our prayer life by every means possible – including emulating the example set by Daniel.

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