Study 38

by Charles Tan

Text: Daniel 7

Dear Young People,


It is “natural” for you to be absorbed with your school life. It is again “natural” to be concerned about your personal life etc. That is all a part of the growing up process.

However, we may choose just how we want to grow up. If we choose wrongly then we would find that we become very engrossed with ourselves. We will find that we are only interested in how we feel, who our friends are etc. We can become very easily wrapped up in ourselves.

On the other hand, we can choose to mature well. One of the ways in which we can do this well is through taking an interest in world affairs! Not very many young people are well read when it comes to world affairs.

Sometimes, it takes the threat of war to open up our eyes that we live in a global village! Let us take a greater interest in the world’s affairs. Let us understand that what happens in another part of the world will ultimately affect us.


Daniel lived in the days when the Babylonians were THE super world power. Their empire was widespread. Nebuchadnezzar was the King who destroyed Israel and the Temple of Jerusalem.

Nebuchadnezzar had been given a dream from God. As Daniel explained his dream to Nebuchadnezzar, we learn about four powerful empires that fulfilled the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had. (Take time to re-read Daniel 2, 7).

1. The Mighty Empire of the Babylonians would fall one day, no matter how powerful it was in the days of Nebuchadnezzar.

2. The next Empire that would arise would be the Medo-Persian Empire.

3. The third Empire that would arise would be the Greek Empire led by the famous Alexander the Great.

4. The fourth Empire would be the Roman empire.


The amazing thing to note is NOT the imagery used. Two sets of imagery were used. They were very different, one from the other.

God revealed to Nebuchadnezzar that there would be Four World Empires, and history bears out this fact. These Empires actually came into being, in the order that they were predicted to arise.

The Babylonian Empire crumbled under the power of the Medo-Persians. They in turn gave way to the Greeks who in turn succumbed to the Romans.

Be challenged to grow up and take an interest in world affairs. Grow further and appreciate that the Scriptures have much to teach us by way of revealing what the world would be like through prophetic Scripture.

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