Early Will I Seek You

This photo was taken from the balcony of my room one morning. I remember watching the sun slowly inching above the horizon, spreading its golden rays across the sky to signal the start of a brand new day. Early mornings are especially special and precious to me, because it is in the quiet of the morning that I seek to meet with the Lord each day.

This consciousness and desire to seek the Lord and be in His presence each day was cemented in me when Pastor Charlie taught from Psalm 63 during one Morning Class that I was attending in 2014.

“O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.”
(Psalm 63:1)                                            

Amid difficult circumstances of life and the harsh physical conditions posed by the dry and thirsty land, the Psalmist David desired so very strongly to find God and to dwell in His presence. This drove him to seek the Lord early in the morning, through which David found the lovingkindness of God to quench his soul.

This pursuit is now something I have discovered to be real and have taken on within my own heart. The demands and rigor of school and work sometimes make me feel as though I too, am trudging through a dry and thirsty land that offers little or no respite. But it is in this that I understand how much I need God each day, and how the thirst of the soul can only be quenched by dwelling in the presence of God. This compels me to get up early in the morning, that I may, in the quiet and stillness of the morning, seek and find the Lord in prayer and His Word. I want to begin my day with the Lord, and this special time of dwelling in His presence always brings me strength and focus for the new day ahead.






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