"Bless and do not curse..."
Text: Romans 12:14
Paul may not have personally heard Jesus preaching His famous Beatitudes (Cf. Matthew 5:3-10). But there is no mistaking the fact that he was familiar with this teaching!
The beauty of the Beatitudes is not limited to the golden words of divine advice. The depth of the beauty of the Beatitudes may be traced to the very Spirit of Jesus Himself. He not only taught these great truths, He embodied them!
“Bless those who persecute you;
Bless and do not curse”
Romans 12:14
1. The problem of “persecution”
a) This was a very real problem in the first century.
b) Christians were persecuted by unbelieving Jews.
c) They were hauled up in Roman courts and framed.
d) Many lost their homes and even their lives.
2. Retaliation
a) This easily suggests itself.
b) Retaliation is a very basic instinct of survival.
c) It is all to curse the persecutors.
3. The call to “bless”
a) To bless those who persecute you would demand much from the believer.
b) Many things would have to be in place first.
i) A strong faith.
ii) A deep sense of identification with Christ.
iii) A maturity of spirit.
iv) A tremendous control of human emotions.