Daily Devotions
"The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6
Text: Exodus 20 : 5-6
But of course, we must expect statements that describe consequences of breaking the law. What would happen to those who hate God and spurn the commandment of not making and worshipping idols?
1. “Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children”
God reserves the right to mete out appropriate punishment to those who deliberately flout His laws!
a) Heinous idolatrous practices
Idolatrous practices in those days were terrible things. The practice of child-sacrifice was among some of the abominations of idolatrous practices!
b) Immoral practices
Another abominable practice was that of immorality! If Israel went into idol-worshipping, it would soon be drawn into these depraved activities!
c) The children will suffer
Obviously, the children would suffer the most because of the wicked behaviour of the parents who hate God! The mention of God reserving the right to mete out severe penalties was meant to be a deterrent to those bent on testing and breaking God’s laws!
2. “The third and fourth generations”
It is God’s prerogative to determine what the appropriate punishment would be! The consequences could reach up to the third and fourth generations! (This does not mean that it would “definitely occur”. This statement informs us of the gravity of the sin of idolatrous practices)!
How wonderful it is to know that happy consequences follow those who keep God’s commandments. This thought offers the balance of the previous one.
1. “Those who love Me”
Those who keep God’s commandments are graciously described as those who “love” the Lord. Indeed, those who truly love the Lord would not dream of contravening His commandments!
2. “Showing mercy”
The word “mercy” is a very comprehensive word. It covers the idea of “grace”, “favour”, “blessing”, and lots more! God’s lovingkindness would be given to those who love the Lord and who happily keep His laws!