19 April 2020

Sunday Video Message 19th April 2020 : “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”

Sunday Video Message 19th April 2020 : “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”
Text: 1 Peter 1

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Sundays Online

Message Notes

Text: 1 Peter 1
Title: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”


1. Thank God for a different, but still, meaningful Easter we have just celebrated.

2. Thank God for all who have continued to give in loving support of Bethany’s ministries.

3. Thank God for those who have especially remembered our brethren overseas who are particularly going through a hard time because of a lock-down of movements.


1. The acts of love and kindness illustrate the reality of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

2. The words of the Apostle Peter come alive even as we have spent time studying 1 Peter!


1. He came with a clear purpose in mind

2. He came to bring salvation to the world

a) By His blood
His blood would sanctify all believers (1 Peter 1:2)
b) By His suffering
He would suffer for our sins (1 Peter 1:11)
c) By being the Passover Lamb of God
He would be the Lamb of God (1 Peter 1:19: John 1:29)
He is lovingly thought of:
i) Precious blood
ii) Without blemish
iii) Without spot
d) By His resurrection which we celebrate at Easter
He would be resurrected from the dead (1 Peter 1:3)
i) Glories would follow (1 Peter 1:11)
ii) God gave Him glory (1 Peter 1:21)


1. Prophecy

a) His first coming was prophesied.
i) By the prophets (1 Peter 1:12)
ii) The Spirit of God ministered through them (1 Peter 1:12)
iii) His life and message became our “Gospel” (1 Peter 1:25)
b) These prophecies were fulfilled
i) According to the Scriptures
ii) Christ Jesus perfectly fulfilled all that God had planned

2. Resultant Blessings
Great and wonderful consequences

a) He has begotten us to a living hope (1 Peter 1:3)
b) He has given us an eternal inheritance (1 Peter 1:4)
c) He has given us joy inexpressible (1 Peter 1:8)
d) We have wonderful salvation
i) Commencing with faith in Christ
ii) Culminating in the 2nd Coming of Christ

(The Apostle Peter’s word “revelation”)

1. Negative Understanding of the Second Coming of Christ

a) Many fear apocalyptic events
b) Many also dread the wrath of God
c) Still others see the Second Coming in a totally negative manner

2. A positive Outlook must be considered

a) The view presented by the Apostle Peter
b) He does not give a dismal view about the 2nd Coming of Christ
c) This is something that we must seek to cultivate

3. The 2nd Coming of Christ is seen as a Completion of God’s salvation Plan

God’s salvation would be made complete when Christ Jesus returns (1 Peter 1:5)
Salvation is described differently here

a) Commencement
Coming to faith in Christ is only the commencement
b) Continuation
Salvation in Christ is to expressed in our life consistently
c) Completion
Salvation’s plan is completed when Christ returns and is fully revealed
(1 Peter 1:9)

4.The 2nd Coming of Christ is seen as a Certainty
Peter used the word “Revelation” of Christ

a) The word “revelation” is interestingly “apocalypse”
b) There is a difference in the usage of this word
c) The world’s use of the word “apocalypse”
i) Disaster
ii) Terrible events
iii) Some people even use this word to explain Covid-19
d) The Biblical use of the word “apocalypse” in 1 Peter 1
i) It is a Revelation
ii) God will Reveal Jesus in a New Way
iii) He will be coming to complete God’s Divine Plan

5. Repetition of the word “Revelation” (Apocalypse)

a) Consistency
This was used in a consistent manner
i) Ready to be revealed at the last time (1 Peter 1:5)
ii) At the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:7)
iii) At the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13)
b) Emphasis
This repetition was written for emphasis
i) Lest we forget
ii) Lest we fail to appreciate its significance
c) Reminder
i) Reminders are important
ii) Reminders are helpful

6. Is there also a note of solemnity to note?

a) Yes, to give a full picture
b) Both aspects complement each other
c) The solemn aspect
i) In the last time (1 Peter 1:5)
ii) These last times (1 Peter 1:20)
iii) The period between the 1st Coming and the 2nd Coming of Christ
This period is called “the last time,” or “these last time (same meaning)


How should we respond to the Doctrine of the Revelation of Christ?

1. Don’t look at the 2nd Coming of Christ in a dark and morbid way!

2. Possess a tested and proven faith

a) Don’t fear the fire of testing
b) Don’t fear any trial
c) All are designed to help us have a purer and stronger faith

3. Look forward to a faith that would be well-pleasing when Christ returns for us:

a) Praise
b) Honour
c) Glory (1 Peter 1:7)

4. Cultivate a significant Life

a) Hope
Full of hope (1 Peter 1:13, 21)
b) Grace
Trusting the grace of God (1 Peter 1:13)
c) Holiness
Living a holy life (1 Peter 1:15-16)

5. Develop a Strong and living Church

a) The Living Stone
Christ as the Living, Chief Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:4)
b) Living stones
Believers as living stones (1 Peter 2:5)
c) Chosen
A chosen generation (1 Peter 2:9a)
d) Ministry
A royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9b)
e) Community
A holy nation (1 Peter 2:9c)
f) People of God
A special people (1 Peter 2:9d)
i) To proclaim the praise of God (1 Peter 2:10a)
ii) To declare His mercy (1 Peter 2:10b)