It is all too easy to be tempted to trust in human power;

Many trust that human might is the answer in the critical hour.

The faithful recognizes the weakness in this understanding;

The real power is to be found in God’s undertaking.


Horses and chariots were the symbols of great might;

Yet many battles are won by those who are upright.

The faithful appeal to God and trust He will answer;

Faith in the Lord and His Help is their treasure.


The challenge is to remember the LORD’s name;

All who trust in Him would never be ashamed.

He will hear the cries of His beloved children;

His ears and His eyes will watch from heaven.


The LORD is the great and mighty King;

To this great God we must offer thanksgiving;

He is worthy of all praise as the LORD;

How wonderful to know Him as our God!


Inspiration: Psalm 20:7-9

Charles Tan