The contrast between Sinful Man and God is clear;

May we comprehend and to the LORD draw near!

Sinful Man is capable of doing horrendous evil;

The power behind all wickedness is the Devil.


The LORD our God is so wonderfully different;

His attributes are glorious and truly magnificent!

His mercy is given to mankind so graciously;

His power continues to sustain life mightily.


Immeasurable is the LORD’s righteousness;

It is expressed in His wonderful faithfulness.

Each time we see the clouds high above;

May we be reminded of God’s immense love!


The judgments of God are deep and profound;

In the Scriptures, His oracles may be found!

They can bring such life and power to bear;

How blessed we are to receive God’s care!


Inspiration: Psalm 36:1-6

Charles Tan