The LORD our God is indeed the Sovereign King;

He is committed to His people and their well-being.

He will not be deaf to the cries of the fatherless;

He will respond in mercy and righteousness.


The presence of evil may be rampant and powerful;

The activities of the wicked ones remain harmful.

But they will be held accountable to the Sovereign King;

God will judge them according to their wicked sins.


The oppressed, the poor and the needy must not despair;

They must continue to pray, for God will hear their prayer.

He will uphold justice for He is a King for all eternity;

He will surely respond and He will uphold equality.


It is not easy to remain calm and faithful amidst tribulation;

But we must remember that God is with us in every situation.

He has not turned a blind eye nor a deaf ear to our prayer;

The Lord is our Sovereign King and He will always care!



Inspiration: Psalm 10:12-18

Charles Tan