Offer to God Thanksgiving

Man can be so engrossed in his own ideas about worshipping God,

He often assumes that he understands true worship of the Lord.

He plans to set aside time to offer worship on the Sabbath Day,

He thinks that when he fulfils what is required, he has done what God says.


But what if the Lord begs to differ and He tells man that he is wrong?

He is not interested in “the proper way” of singing a religious song!

He looks for the worshipper who comes to Him offering thanksgiving,

Whose heart is full of gratitude, it expresses itself with heartfelt singing.


God is always looking at the heart we have when we offer worship,

The service we give matters little if there is a poor relationship.

Thanksgiving should be the most natural response to the Lord,

That we are pardoned from our sins should humble us before God!


“Offer to God thanksgiving-“ This is a direct command from the Lord,

If we wish our worship to be accepted we must seek to obey God!

Each day the heart must seek to be filled with a heart of thanksgiving,

Only then can we fulfil what is desired by God, and this is truly worshipping!


Inspiration: Psalm 50:14


Charles Tan