The name of Jesus had gained great fame,
To His enemies, “Jesus of Nazareth” was His name.
They refused to accord to Him the glory that was His,
The thought of destroying Jesus was perfect bliss.

A detachment of troops marched as if they were approaching a lair,
Hundreds were brought to make sure there was no escape from their snare.
They came with torches and lanterns and sharp swords,
They were given instructions to bound Jesus with cords.

All were surprised when a Man came up to the soldier in their battle gear,
“Whom are you seeking?”- The Man spoke without a trace of fear.
They said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” They were merely doing as they were told,
Jesus replied, “I am He!” They drew back as if they were knocked out cold.

Jesus spoke and once again asked, “Whom are you seeking?”
The solders said, “Jesus of Nazareth,” the voice of authority receding.
“I have told you, I am He,” He repeated Himself once more,
He could have called for mighty angels to even the score.

He knew that His hour had come and He was not afraid,
He had prepared for this moment, in His heart and His head.
He even took time to heal the ear of the servant who had been struck,
Peter was overcome with fury, he nearly ran amuck.

Jesus of Nazareth would soon face His greatest trial,
How He would fare, only time would tell.
His disciples fled as Jesus foretold that they would,
But He was not alone, His Father with Him stood.
John 18:5