Pilate the mighty Roman governor was in a state of fury,
He knew that the chief priests held his office in mockery.
They would have their way with reference to the Man,
They had in fact forced Pilate to follow their evil plan.

He took Jesus and had Him scourged that day,
The heart of a lesser man, this news would dismay.
A crown of thorns was placed on His head, a purple robe as well,
They bowed the knee, and struck Him till His face began to swell.

Pilate watched the scene until He had enough of this mad plan,
He brought Jesus out and said to the people, “Behold, the Man!”
He was greatly astonished when he heard their reply,
As one they shouted, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him! Let Him die!”

Pilate was the Roman governor, he wielded the power of his lord,
The chief priests shouted that Jesus had made Himself the Son of God.
Pilate was now even more afraid when he heard this word,
To crucify Jesus, the Son of God, would surely be absurd!

Pilate went back to his praetorium and spoke to Jesus once again,
He found Jesus silent, from words His lips He did refrain.
Did Jesus not know that he wielded power from his Roman lord?
Jesus answered quietly; All power truly comes from God.

Pilate sought to release Him all the more,
But his attempts angered the Jews, and made them sore.
They said that he would not be Caesar’s friend,
If he were to release “The Man.”

“Behold, your King!” Pilate tried one last time,
The chief priests also rejected this line.
They just wanted Jesus crucified,
Only then would they be satisfied.

Sadly, Pilate had to give the orders for Jesus to be crucified,
He had done an injustice to Jesus, to his own heart he had lied.
He washed his hands in public display,
But his soul was stained, his heart was in dismay.
John 19:5