Jesus studied the faces of the people who made up the milieu
So many people, and each had his own fixed view.
The multitudes came to Him with all their needs,
To them finding a solution became their life’s creed.

The scribes and the Pharisees were caught in their traditions,
The strict keeping of these ancient laws was their life’s ambition.
The Herodians made the search for money the focus of their life,
The Zealots answered most problems with their knife.

Jesus knew just what He had to do,
He must lead them to discover God anew.
How would He reach so many who had gone astray?
He knew God’s plan for Him- He must become The Way.

It was not all about knowledge of what is good and right,
It was most vital to recognize that Jesus was the Light.
Jesus had to teach so many entrapped by strife,
He had to become The Way, the Truth and the Life.

Many desired to enter into the Kingdom of the Lord,
Jesus had come to show The Way as the Lamb of God.
He taught the multitudes that the battle against sin could be won,
God His Father was bearing witness that Jesus was His beloved Son!
John 14:6