Jesus had preached to the multitudes, but few seemed to comprehend,
He performed signs and wonder, in hope that they would understand.
The miracles revealed His glorious identity as the Son of Man,
He had come to execute God’s wonderful salvation plan.

He chose some to follow Him, to be His humble disciples,
In time to come, they would become His mighty apostles.
He taught them well; they learned how to preach,
They were able, many lost souls for Him, to reach.

There was another important lesson that they must learn,
They must take time to ponder until they discerned.
“I am the Vine…” Jesus had to firmly emphasise,
The disciples must understand this, or suffer ministry demise.

The danger of falling back on human wisdom is all too real,
The sense of self-empowerment can lead to foolish zeal.
“Without Me you can do nothing” Jesus firmly said,
The wise disciples must ever seek to be Spirit-led.

The Vine’s purpose of existence is to bear much fruit,
God the Vinedresser would gently attend to every shoot.
The branch that abides in the Vine will glorify God’s name,
His fruitfulness in life and ministry would add to Jesus’ fame.
John 15:1